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7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug

7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug

7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug   7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug

Welcome to the ACDI Store! ACDI Store : Pioneering the Excellence of Afghan Handmade Rugs. A sanctuary of admiration for Afghan Handmade Rugs. Our mission, deeply rooted in appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship of Afghanistan, is twofold: to offer you a glimpse of the pinnacle of handcrafted excellence, and to pay homage to the profound cultural heritage that continues to enrich this remarkable region. With each rug, you're helping to provide the artisans with a sustainable livelihood, and ensuring that their families have food on their tables and a roof over their heads.

Thank you for supporting these talented individuals and their families, and for helping to preserve a rich cultural tradition. Unveiling Our Exquisite Handmade Rug. Material: This handwoven masterpiece is meticulously crafted using 100% premium Afghan wool, ensuring authenticity and genuineness. Design: Our rug boasts a unique Maimana design, a vintage piece that radiates timeless elegance. Dimensions: 7.6 x 13 feet (228 x 395 centimeters). Age: Vintage, dating back to the 1980s.

Why Choose Our Afghan Handmade Rug? Craftsmanship: Each rug is expertly handcrafted by seasoned artisans in Afghanistan, embodying authenticity and a genuine, traditional touch. Premium Wool: 100% premium Afghan wool, dyed with natural vegetable, fruit, and plant-based dyes, making it naturally soil-repellent and durable. Meticulous Cleaning: Our rugs undergo a rigorous cleaning process, ensuring their impeccable quality. It's a testament to the value of traditional craftsmanship and the preservation of a rich cultural tradition.

NOTE: Please note that handmade rugs may exhibit variations in color and size due to their artisanal nature, and colors may appear differently based on screen settings and home lighting conditions. Our Commitment to Your Satisfaction. Professional Photography: Our rug photographs are professionally captured under accurate lighting conditions to faithfully represent their genuine colors.

Your rug will be securely packed to protect it from damage. Experience the timeless beauty and craftsmanship of our Afghan Handmade Rug. Handwoven with love and tradition, our rugs are designed to bring warmth and character to your living spaces.

Join Us in Preserving Tradition. We are a passionate team dedicated to sharing the beauty and heritage of Afghan Handmade Rugs with the world. Our rugs are a testament to generations of traditional techniques and cultural richness, making them a unique addition to your home. Indulge in the elegance and tradition of Afghan Handmade Rugs. Our rugs are not only a beautiful addition to your home but also a conscious choice to support local artisans and preserve a significant cultural tradition.

Explore our diverse range of handmade rugs, available in various sizes, colors, and designs - from vintage and antique inspirations to modern interpretations. Each rug carries a story and adds warmth and character to your space. When you choose an Afghan Handmade Rug from.

You invest in history and culture, appreciating the craftsmanship, artistry, and creativity of the artisans behind these masterpieces. To make your shopping experience convenient and worry-free. We believe shopping for rugs should be enjoyable.

That's why we offer a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not fully satisfied with your rug, we will make it right. Thank You for Supporting Our Mission.

By choosing an Afghan Handmade Rug from. You contribute to sustaining traditional craftsmanship and supporting local artisans.

We are deeply grateful for your support in preserving a rich cultural tradition. For the latest collections and exclusive deals, follow and favorite our shop. We look forward to providing you with the warmth and beauty of Afghan culture in your home. And we hope our rugs bring a touch of Afghanistan's beauty and culture to your home. Your inquiries are always welcome, and we are here to assist you with pleasure.
7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug   7.6x13 Antique Luxurious 8x13 Oriental Large Persian Wool Handwoven Office Rug